The interdisciplinary Bachelor of Medical Sciences will provide you with a broad background in biological, chemical, biomolecular and biomedical sciences - the knowledge and skills you'll need for a career in health and medical science fields. Whether that be unravelling the molecular building blocks that underpin disease, developing new drugs to treat or cure disease, implementing biosecurity procedures to overcome emerging disease threats, or applying your scientific knowledge to help solve crimes. Macquarie's world-leading Bachelor of Ancient History - the longest-running and broadest of its kind in Australia - allows you to immerse yourself in the culture and languages of the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern worlds, both on campus and at archaeological dig sites overseas.
Key features
Evaluate how medical research is improving patient care
Learn how to translate findings about patient care and disease processes into both clinical outcomes and fundamental science. Create ethics proposals for health and medical science research
Learn to review and evaluate ethical requirements of medical research and clinical trials, with a focus on cultural considerations. Undertake the only degree of its kind in Australia
Study the only degree in Australia offering a full study of Egyptology, Greece, Rome, Late Antiquity and Byzantium. Study ancient languages, and pursue your own research interests
Choose a minor in Ancient Greek, Egyptian Hieroglyphs or Latin, or study Ancient Hebrew and/or Coptic - all from beginner level.
Career Outcomes
Collections officer
Conservation consultant
Cultural heritage specialist
Drug discovery and development researcher
Forensic scientist
Gallery or museum curator
Health researcher
Hospital scientist
Medical researcher
Medical scientist
Museum education officer
Scientific officer
Tourism and travel consultant
Astra Pharmaceuticals
Australian Water Technologies
Children's Cancer Institute
Children's Medical Research Institute
Cultural and heritage organisations
Diplomatic and consular agencies
Government agencies and departments
Heart Research Institute
IVF Australia
Phytex Australia
Tourism and hospitality sector
* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
سبتمبر 2025
North Ryde Campus
4–6 Eastern Road,
New South Wales,
2109, MACQUARIE PARK, Australia
To apply for an undergraduate program, international students will need to have completed one or more of the following academic qualifications:
English language requirements
قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.
جامعة ماكواري هي واحدة من بين أفضل 130 جامعة على مستوى العالم حسب تصنيف QS لعام 2024، ولها تاريخ كبير في الابتكار والاستكشاف.