
Bachelor of Sport Business


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The Bachelor of Sport Business is meticulously crafted to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge required in the dynamic and highly competitive sports industry. This comprehensive program aims to nurture individuals, fostering their ability to thrive and excel in various facets of the ever-growing sports business landscape. The course has four streams: sport management, commercial sport, sports media, and sport development. This ensures graduates will be able to work in a variety of roles including professional sport, sports leagues, sport consultancy, government sport agencies, sports venues and sports event companies.The course offers significant internship opportunities where students work in sporting organisations. There is also significant industry engagement: guest speakers, field trips and the 228 hour internship with one of our sports organisation partners. This degree facilitates real world industry opportunities for students, ensuring they learn more and do more and are prepared to achieve their career goals in the sports industry. The academic staff have extensive industry experience in business, management, marketing, sponsorship, venue management, government and media. At Holmesglen, we are committed to supporting our students to achieve their learning goals, so we provide small classes with hands-on experiences. With small classes, you won't be lost in the crowd. You'll soon get to know your fellow students and feel part of Holmesglen - and your teachers will know you as an individual.



خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (3 أعوام )

رسوم التسجيــل
A$20,100.00 (US$ 13,246) سنوياً
تاريخ البدء

يوليو 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

Chadstone Campus

Corner Batesford and Warrigal Roads,



3148, MELBOURNE, Australia

شروط القبول

للطلاب الدوليين

  • IELTS 6.0 or Equivalence

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