Build transferable teamwork and communication skills that will help you achieve success in any workplace.
The Diploma in Business Communications will help you develop a set of business communication skills that are fundamental for building and maintaining business relationships with colleagues, stakeholders, and customers. Students will explore teamwork, communication, and customer relationships, and will also learn personal development and self-awareness strategies to set them on the path towards continual career growth.
Take the co-op program to get hands-on experience in a business role related to your studies.
Why Choose the Diploma in Business Communications
Gain a solid foundation in administration skills and prepare for entry into the world of business.
Improve skills needed for success in a business environment such as communication, teamwork, prioritizing, and problem solving.
Learn how to support organizational goals through team projects and performance management and develop strategies and techniques to create your own personal professional development plan.
Take the co-op program to put your skills into practice and get Canadian references in a work placement related to tourism, hospitality, sales or marketing.
متوقع ديسمبر 2025
Greystone College
Vancouver Campus,
560 Granville Street,
British Columbia (BC),
V6C 3P1, Canada
متوقع ديسمبر 2025
Toronto Campus
443 University Avenue,
Ontario (ON),
M5G 2H6, Canada
Students must have a secondary school diploma or equivalent (accepted secondary school diplomas must be from Canada or the USA);
Students must be at least 18 years of age, and pass the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE) with a grade of 14 or higher.
Language Entry Requirements
IELTS: 5.0
Duolingo: 75
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