Aerospace Engineering (Including Foundation Year) BEng (Hons)




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The foundation year is an introduction into the core topics that will be studied during the first year of the degree. The foundation year is designed to improve your core skills of Maths and physical sciences with an emphasis on applied engineering problems. The degree aims at providing you with the knowledge and skills required in the Aerospace Industry.Flight vehicles are subjected to demanding conditions such as those caused by changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature, with structural loads applied upon vehicle components. Consequently, they are usually the products of various technological and engineering disciplines including aerodynamics, propulsion, avionics, materials science, structural analysis and manufacturing. Because of the complexity and number of disciplines involved, aerospace engineering is carried out by teams of engineers, each having their own specialised area of expertiseThe course is designed to meet accreditation requirements of the RAeS and IMechE for Incorporated Engineer status. This course will include a live flight experience, which is reinforced with SIM work in Flight Simulator. We have strong links with industry and place considerable emphasis on student projects.

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خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (1 عام )

رسوم التسجيــل
المعلومات غير متوفرة

تحقق من المؤسسة

تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة


University of South Wales,


Rhondda, Cynon, Taff,

CF37 1DL, WALES, Wales

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حول University of South Wales

جامعة ساوث ويلز هي مؤسسة حديثة ذات تفكير تقدمي تقدم برامج عملية ذات نهج تطبيقي.

  • المعيشة في المدينة والحرم الجامعي بأسعار معقولة
  • 2500 طالب دولي سنوياً من 120 دولة
  • منح دراسية تصل قيمتها إلى 2500 جنيه إسترليني
  • فرص التدريب المهني عبر العديد من البرامج التدريبية