Our MSci Biology course will enable you to achieve an integrated master's degree while you study for a BSc, giving you significant research experience that will be invaluable for a PhD and a career in research.The first three years of the course cover a diverse range of topics within the study of living organisms, allowing you to discover areas of interest early on in your degree and choose what you want to focus on. Interdisciplinarity is encouraged, and you will have the opportunity to enrol on courses at the University College for Interdisciplinary Learning in the second and third year. A highlight of the course is the opportunity to go on a field course in the UK and abroad, travelling to locations chosen for the richness of their flora and fauna. In Year 4, you will undertake a major research project in one of the University's more than 200 research labs to achieve your undergraduate master's award.Our course has Advanced Accreditation from the Royal Society of Biology , which recognises academic excellence in the biosciences and highlights degrees that educate the research and development leaders and innovators of the future.
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Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health
خيارات الدراسة
دوام كامل
(4 أعوام )
رسوم التسجيــل
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سبتمبر 2025
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