In a data-rich society, every organisation needs analytical planning and big data analysis. This course has been designed to meet the growing demand from employers and will equip you with the skills to extract meaningful information from data to inform strategic decision-making.
Course outline and modules
From data mining and web analytics to business analytics in practise, our MSc Business Analytics will give you a comprehensive understanding of key areas of business analytics and develop your skills to meet the high demand from employers.
Attracting students from all over the world, this course is a great opportunity to mix with people from different cultures and with diverse backgrounds. You’ll enhance your communication, teamwork and management skills, whilst building a network of international contacts. It will also help you to appreciate the various approaches to people management in a multicultural context.
How will my skills develop?
We’ll develop your quantitative skills to identify trends and gain insights from complex data. You’ll also develop a clear understanding of the three types of data analytics – descriptive, predictive and prescriptive, and how to accurately analyse and visualise information as well as work with analytical tools.
All of this means you will become highly skilled at providing information to business leaders, improving commercial decision-making and business performance.
You’ll also study The Aston Global Advantage module which focuses on professional development and employability, helping you to apply the key skills that you will gain throughout the year.
You’ll also have the opportunity to study abroad with one of our international partners, undertake an internship placement in the UK or overseas or get involved in a global business challenge simulation.
Practical experience
We focus on the practical application of analytics in a business context, so you’ll discover what method, technique and tools can be used to solve specific commercial problems in the most effective way.
Many roles in business analytics are based in consultancies, so we will develop skills to help you excel in a consultancy environment, from working in a consultative role to understanding what good and bad consulting practice looks like.
* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
سبتمبر 2025
Aston University
Aston Triangle,
قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.
جامعة أستون: شاملة. ريادية. تحويلية.