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Economics is a diverse subject to study, as it can touch upon areas of finance, politics, business, history, and other social sciences. In many ways, it can cover every aspect of the way we live our lives.This programme provides students with a detailed knowledge of Economics, and skills to be able to apply the knowledge in a practical sense. It covers both microeconomic (the actions/behaviours of an individual "unit", such as an individual company, household etc) and macroeconomic issues (a much wider view of economic actions/behaviours, for example Governments).The course will also give students the chance to think about the design of various policy, from an economic perspective. Assessing both economic institutions and economies in a practical context.**Global internships**This course includes an optional eight-week internship matched to your chosen industry. Employers overwhelmingly believe graduates who have an internship experience are more employable due to your increased experience of the workings of international companies and organisations. The available list of countries in countries varies but in previous years has included China, Spain, Portugal, Vietnam, and the UK (Manchester). In the case of visa restrictions for some international students, there are UK-based and remote internships with firms in countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, India, or France.Economics degrees are useful as general degrees, particularly given their analytical and quantitative content. They are useful for students who wish to become professional economists and gives those students a high-quality education in economics. It is also the type of subject however that can open many career opportunities in business, finance, politics, and more. Especially with the 8-week internship component built into this programme, which provides that crucial work experience as part of the course. Companies will welcome graduates who understand the relevant theories, practises, models and tools associated with Economics, however, it’s vital for them to recruit graduates who understand how to put these theories into practice, understand how and when to use certain theoretical models, understand their limitations and have the forward thinking to develop new solutions. Combining the module content, the way they are taught and the internship, the degree, truly does offer an "in-practice" experience.