Programme Overview
The MA by Research in Classical Studies is designed for students who are keen to undertake an in-depth research project of their choice in an aspect of ancient Greek and Roman history and/or Greek and Latin languages, literatures, and cultures. Under the guidance of an academic supervisor, you are expected to write a dissertation of around 25,000 words that demonstrates expert knowledge and understanding of the subject area you have chosen.
Students can benefit from the academic guidance of experts who are well-published in a wide range of subject areas within Classical Studies. This course is best suited for students who have a tightly defined research project that is achievable within the time frame.
As a postgraduate research student, you are encouraged to participate in the School of Humanities and Heritage's lively research culture of research seminars, as well as postgraduate forums, training, and social events.
How You Are Assessed
The assessment takes the form of a 25,000 word dissertation.
Career Development
The MA by Research is designed to prepare students to embark on further study at the doctoral level, as well as for careers in teaching, the heritage sector, and the civil service, amongst many other fields.
The University’s Doctoral School provides a focal point for Lincoln’s community of researchers, where ideas and experiences can be developed and shared across disciplines. It also o?ers support and training to help equip you for both academic and non-academic careers.
* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
متوقع يناير 2026
Brayford Pool
Charlotte Scott Building,
University of Lincoln,
قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.
تتمتع جامعة لينكولن بسُمعة رائعة من حيث رضا الطلاب، وتقدم تدريساً ملهماً، كما تتمتع بروابط صناعية حاصلة على جوائز.