Clinical Sciences (with placement year) BSc (Hons)




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This programme will be of interest & relevance to any student hoping to work in health or science careers. We welcome applications from students who have applied to other health profession courses.Whether you want to have a science career, study a postgraduate programme leading to qualification as a health professional or work in healthcare management this programme can be your first step towards your future. In addition to studying science & health focused modules we actively work with students to develop essential graduate & employability skills.The programme provides students with the opportunity to enhance their profile further with a placement year between years 2 & 3, enabling students to either work in a relevant field or study abroad.During your year abroad you’ll live & study in another country. You will have an opportunity to become fully immersed in a different culture, meet new friends, get the chance to travel & explore, as well as develop yourself.The study abroad option is increasingly valued by employers. Many students boast of their increased confidence, motivation, & positive outlook when they return to clinical sciences. We have partner universities across the globe in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, East & Southeast Asia, & Latin America.Because many of our partner universities have their own specialisms or distinctive course content, you can experience new perspectives on clinical sciences & learn about diverse subject areas.Our students have had some truly unique learning experiences:• Studying new imaging methods.• Undertaking a self-directed research project to assess new grafts for vascular bypass.• Non-Biology related modules such as programming and artificial intelligence.A work placement is a chance to try out an industry you think you might be interested in for the future, or to concentrate on something you’re really passionate about for an extended amount of time. Industrial placements are taken between your second & third year. You can choose any type of activity such as a research-based placement or working with an organisation in a management role for example.There is an option to complete a combined year of both workplace & study abroad.Entry onto the clinical sciences course is either directly onto our three year programme or via our clinical sciences with integrated foundation year programme, which prepares you to study health or science courses.The course has a clinical focus and a strong emphasis on anatomy, physiology, & employability skills. The course is informed by research, clinical expertise, & benefits from being taught by scientists and healthcare professionals from a wide range of specialist areas.With an integrated knowledge and understanding of science and health-related issues, you will be in an excellent position to pursue a variety of careers within the health sector or pharmaceutical industries.Clinical sciences graduates have progressed to postgraduate study, leading to careers in medicine, the healthcare sciences & other healthcare roles such as:- Physician Associate- Dentist- Healthcare Manager- Health Commission Associate- NHS Analyst- Medical SalesClinical sciences has embedded key transferable skills into each module which will help you succeed in graduate jobs or post-graduate study.Our focus is to widen participation in medical & healthcare education in students from underrepresented groups. The course provides an opportunity for eligible widening participation students to enter year one of the MBChB programme at Sheffield Medical School.Our graduates have applied successfully to most Medical Schools in the United Kingdom, including Leeds Medical School, Sheffield Medical School, and Hull York Medical School as well as graduate entry programmes at

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School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences

خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (4 أعوام )

رسوم التسجيــل
£23,290.00 (US$ 30,077) سنوياً
£23290 Per year

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* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة

تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

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