The Foundation Programme is designed for students from under-represented groups in higher education, who have the potential to achieve the standard for admission to Durham, but who, because of educational disadvantage or disruption, do not have the level of attainment or access to qualifications required for entry to a Durham University course. The Foundation Programme is delivered by a dedicated team of academic tutors from Durham’s Centre for Academic Development (DCAD). Each year it provides places for 100 students and supports them to progress to Level 1 study in over 33 academic subjects from every academic department in the university.The Foundation Programme supports students to develop the skills and subject knowledge required for successful study at degree level. The content focuses on developing epistemological maturity, metacognitive skills, and independent learning, becoming increasingly specialised as the course progresses. On successful completion of the Foundation Year, students will progress to the first year of their degree T202 – Japanese Studies with year abroad.