Law and French LLB (Hons)



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The LLB Law and French Degree at Aberystwyth University has been designed to meet the need and demand for multi-lingual legal experts within the United Kingdom. This programme combines the expertise of the Department of Law and Criminology with that of the Department of Modern Languages.This Law and French joint honours degree will provide you with a high level of competence in the French language, and a good understanding of the culture. You will benefit from the experience and enthusiasm of the expert staff in both departments. The Law component of this degree will provide you the opportunity to be taught and mentored by staff within the most established Law department in Wales. Some of our teaching staff have also practiced as solicitors, which will provide you with a practical application to your theoretical studies. **Why study Law and French at Aberystwyth University?**- A practical degree designed to meet employer needs and taught by experienced professionals, and academics;- Taught by professionals who are active for large organisations e.g. GRETA, the Youth Justice Board, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights;- Excellent social and professional opportunities, e.g. visits to Law Fairs and Inns of Court in London;- Experience a Year Abroad under the Erasmus + Programme and study with one of our partner Universities in France;- Option to participate in our national and international competing Mooting Society, in order to develop your key advocacy and litigation skills. The structure of this course will give the opportunity to receive core training in a number of subjects e.g. Contract law, Criminal Law and Tort Law, which must be studied and passed for exemption from the first stage of professional law examinations. Explore the structure and development of the English and Welsh Legal system; The relationship of the judicial precedent and the court system; Analyse the process of creating legislation and how it is interpreted by judges. You will also take the core language modules which include, listening, reading, writing, translation and speaking. Your third year will be spent on the Erasmus + Programme where you will study with one of our partner Universities in France.During the second and fourth year, you will be introduced to EU Law; Public Law; Equity and the Law of Trusts; Land Law. You will also develop your language skills further with intense language classes with the Department of Modern Languages. You will also be able to tailor your study through careful selection from a range of elective modules. Your LLB in Law and French opens up a range of exciting opportunities for you. You will be a strong candidate for training to become a barrister or a solicitor . Your LLB in Law offers you the possibility to succeed in many different areas including criminology, financial management, business, human resources, international relations, journalism and education.

في أي قسم أنا؟

Department of Law and Criminology

خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (4 أعوام )

رسوم التسجيــل
£18,170.00 (US$ 23,465) سنوياً
£18170 Per year

هذه رسوم ثابتة

* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة

تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

Main Site (Aberystwyth)

Penglais Campus,

Penglais Road,



SY23 3DD, WALES, Wales

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