The MA Buddhist Studies with Intensive Language is an interdisciplinary programme that engages with Buddhism as a field of inquiry from a historical, philosophical, anthropological and material culture perspectives.
It caters to students who wish to broaden either their knowledge of Buddhism as a whole or their knowledge of specific Buddhist traditions, as well as to students intending to embark on further research or fieldwork among Buddhist communities.
This programme at SOAS follows a non-confessional, contextual approach, which highlights the diversity of Buddhism in its historical and geographical developments. The programme, crucially, appreciates Buddhism as a living religion. Detailed attention is given to how scholarship, both in the West and through Asia, has shaped our understanding of Buddhism.
The MA Buddhist Studies with Intensive Language programme benefits from teaching on Buddhist languages and regional cultures across SOAS, and is supported by the SOAS Centre of Buddhist Studies. The Centre offers extraordinary opportunities for further engagement with the study of Buddhism.
The Centre is a hub of internationally acclaimed and distinguished Buddhist scholarship that generates synergy among academics and research students, from SOAS and beyond, involved in the study of Buddhism in Asian societies. The Centre currently comprises 17 permanent members of staff and emeriti, as well as a pool of associate and graduate student members from SOAS and other UK and international institutions.
Why study MA Buddhist Studies with Intensive Language at SOAS?
In addition to an understanding of global faiths, histories and cultures, graduates from the Department of Religions and Philosophies develop the skills to analyse and communicate ideas in a clear, rational and comprehensive manner. These key proficiencies are valuable in many careers and are transferable to a wide range of sectors and roles.
* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
سبتمبر 2025
SOAS, University of London
Thornhaugh Street,
Russell Square,
Greater London,
قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.
يشغل خريجو كلية الدراسات الشرقية والإفريقية مجموعة ديناميكية من الوظائف التي تقدم مساهمة كبيرة في المجتمع العالمي.