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A Mass Communications degree produces media professionals for the 21st century. This degree will help you to become part of a growing employment sector in creative media industries. You will initially study Media Cultures and three other related subjects from a range of six complementary disciplines. In your second year and final year have opportunities to specialise in two or more subjects as you progress. Further information on the modules offered and what our students say about the degree.Employers really value graduates who can assimilate information, communicate with clarity and empathy, and work as part of a team. You will develop and refine these skills and also gain the specialist knowledge you need to compete in today’s job market. This course will prepare you for a variety of careers such as the new media, branding, marketing and advertising companies, public relations consultancies, journalism, media broadcasting, information and communication agencies, film production, education, publishing, fundraising, the civil and diplomatic service, and international organisations.