Media with Foundation Year BA (Hons)


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Media is changing. Sharpen your technical skills and learn how to make your mark on our media degree. Whether you end up in professional roles in marketing, radio, filmmaking, or journalism, our BA Media will get you ready for an exciting future.What values drive media content today? Are you ready to grow your creative talents and skills? Our media degree will help you uncover what’s transforming the film, television, and cultural industries today.Studying with us, you’ll harness your creativity and technical know-how to become a skilful producer of media content. From podcasting to vlogging to filmmaking, you’ll be at the cutting edge of contemporary practice.Our team of dedicated teaching staff will help channel your knowledge of media. A mix of theory and practice will immerse you in industry analysis, TV production, digital photography, social media practices and trends, scriptwriting, and writing for online media outlets.You’ll also discover how traditional media continues to thrive alongside digital media communications such as social media, podcasting and vlogging, and influential streaming platforms like Spotify and Netflix.Develop the key transferable skills and subject-specific knowledge in this integrated four year programme.

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خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (4 أعوام )

رسوم التسجيــل
المعلومات غير متوفرة

تحقق من المؤسسة

تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

Ormskirk (Main Campus)

St Helens Road,




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