MPhil Russian Studies


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Research overview

The ‘Centre for Translating Cultures’ provides a focal point for research in Modern Languages. Our postgraduate students regularly present work in progress at the Centre and participate its regular series of seminars often with distinguished visiting speakers. Modern Languages postgraduates are also active in other research centres in Modern Languages and the College of Humanities.

Beyond the University we have good relations with UK museums and galleries, as well as academic and research institutions internationally, attracting research students from all over the world and many cultural backgrounds.

There are frequent public seminars and lecture series which feature distinguished scholars and public figures in related fields from the UK, Europe and throughout the world.

Russian Studies

  • Literature and culture of the 20th century, including translation
  • 19th and 20th century poetry
  • Comparative literature


We are committed to ensuring you receive high quality research supervision to maximise your potential and prepare you for a rewarding career. You will develop skills which will be useful to you whether or not you stay in academia including highly developed research methods skills. Possible careers include academic research and teaching, and potentially, usually with further professional training, employment in research and policy organisations and charities in the UK and beyond.

في أي قسم أنا؟

Russian Studies

خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (3 أعوام )

رسوم التسجيــل
£22,600.00 (US$ 29,186) سنوياً
هذه رسوم ثابتة

* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة

تاريخ البدء

متوقع يناير 2026

مكان عقــد الدورة

Streatham Campus 1

Northcote House,

Queen's Drive,




شروط القبول

للطلاب الدوليين

Students applying to enter directly into the MPhil/PhD programme would normally be expected to have a Masters degree with Merit or equivalent in Russian Studies, or other relevant qualifications such as a doctorate in another subject. IELTS (Academic): Overall score 7.0 with a minimum score of 6.5 in the writing component and all other sections no less than 6.0. TOEFL IBT: Overall score 100 with minimum scores of 25 for writing, 21 for listening, 22 for reading and 23 for speaking.

قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.

أضف إلى المفضلة

حول University of Exeter

يستفيد الطلاب في جامعة إكستر من مجموعة من أفضل الأكاديميين، ويستمتعون بالحياة الساحلية الرائعة بفضل موقع الجامعة التي تنتمي لمجموعة راسل المرموقة.

  • من أفضل 15 جامعة بالمملكة المتحدة (Complete University Guide)
  • تقدم منحاً دراسية وغيرها من المنح
  • تقع بالقرب من شواطئ ومناظر ساحلية رائعة
  • يوجد بها أكثر من 400 نادي وجمعية للطلاب

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