This popular NCSC certified Masters degree delivers modern enterprise Cybersecurity, coupled with Digital Forensics and incident response.
Computer security is one of the key challenges in contemporary computing. You will gain critical knowledge within the cybersecurity and digital forensic domains, combining academic principles and industrial practice.
The course is informed by current research in security and digital forensics and is underpinned by our experience with external partners in law enforcement, the cybersecurity industry, financial institutions and other knowledge transfer activities.
Course specialisms include network security, penetration testing, incident response, malware analysis, cryptography, audit and compliance, and host and mobile digital forensics.
The specialisation you gain in the taught modules is further developed through an extensive research-based MSc dissertation project, leading towards a mastery of a subject area and enhancing your particular specialism.
NCSC Certified Training
This MSc is one of a very small number of courses certified by NCSC, recognising UK universities which are excellent in Cyber Security and accredited by the British Computing Society, the Chartered Institute for IT.
Course details
Computer security is a growth industry and is vital in modern computing environments. You will gain foundation knowledge in all the key areas of cybersecurity, both defensive and offensive, as well as post-incident response and malware analysis.
The digital forensic aspects of the course include network and computer forensics, allowing you to develop the knowledge required to conduct computer-related investigations across networks, systems, and other digital devices.
The continued growth in the current requirement for cybersecurity and digital forensics professionals means there are a wide range of careers which can be followed after graduating from the course, such as:
The programme develops a range of key skills currently needed in industry, covering areas such as network security, penetration testing, security monitoring, incident response, malware analysis, operating systems, network and computer forensics, virtualisation and malware analysis. Materials from many professional courses are integrated into the curriculum, towards helping students prepare for sought after professional certification such as:
Cisco Security Certifications
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP)
Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST)
The continued growth in the current requirement for cybersecurity and digital forensics professionals means there are a wide range of careers which can be followed after graduating from the course, such as:
The programme develops a range of key skills currently needed in industry, covering areas such as network security, penetration testing, security monitoring, incident response, malware analysis, operating systems, network and computer forensics, virtualisation and malware analysis.
متوقع يناير 2026
Merchiston Campus
10 Colinton Road,
Edinburgh, City Of,
EH10 5DT, SCOTLAND, Scotland
متوقع يناير 2026
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