About the course
The MSc in Global Health Science and Epidemiology is a one-year, full-time course that provides intensive training in epidemiology and statistics to enable students to conduct and interpret research studies in important areas of population health.
The MSc is designed for students who would like to develop knowledge and skills to understand the global burden and major determinants of disease through the application of epidemiology and quantitative research methods. It provides opportunities for students to develop and enhance their critical appraisal and epidemiological research skills and prepares students for a major piece of population health research in a world-class environment.
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to:
•understand the global burden and major determinants of disease;
•describe and discuss the role and contribution of epidemiology to health;
•critically appraise, analyse and interpret epidemiological studies;
•select, devise and develop appropriate study designs for epidemiological research; and
•conduct appropriate statistical analyses of epidemiological and health-related data.
Teaching is delivered during the whole of the first two terms. Teaching is delivered through a range of methods, including lectures, seminars, workshops, tutorials, student presentations, self- directed learning and study. Students will receive 15-20 hours of supported learning per week, and will be expected to undertake 20-25 hours of self-directed learning per week.
أكتوبر 2025
University of Oxford
University Offices,
Wellington Square,
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