Programme Overview
Lincoln's MPhil/PhD in Agricultural Science and Technology offers prospective students advanced research opportunities in transdisciplinary research combining studies on agriculture, people, and technology. The programme brings together the opportunity to study scientific, technological, and social innovations and how they can be developed, applied and reimagined to address global agricultural challenges at local or international scales.
This personal development opportunity provides a comprehensive mixture of both theory, knowledge and skill development. Depending on the research areas of focus this could include, but is not limited to, crop phenotyping, precision agriculture, agri-robotics, applications of AI across the food production system, regenerative agriculture, weed science, soil and water, natural resource management, sustainable agroforestry systems, controlled environment agriculture, food systems, governance, and socio-political aspects of resilient, sustainable agriculture, and wider food production.
Graduates from this programme are well placed to embark on diverse career paths in either academia, research organisations, the agri-food industry, technology providers and start-ups, non-governmental organisations in food systems, land use and conservation, government departments, and the private sector in plant breeding and food production industries, to name a few. This programme offers the opportunity for a personal learning journey to develop the knowledge, skills and critical mindset needed for taking a leading role in a thriving agriculture and food sector now, and in the future.
How You Are Assessed
A PhD is usually awarded based on the quality and originality of a student's thesis and their ability to present and successfully defend the chosen research topic in an oral examination (viva voce). Students are also expected to demonstrate how their research findings have contributed to knowledge in the subject area or developed existing theory or understanding.
Career Development
A doctoral qualification can be the capstone of academic achievement and often marks the beginning of a career in academia or research. A research programme provides the opportunity to become a true expert in your chosen field, while developing a range of valuable transferable skills that can support your career progression. A research-based degree is also the most direct pathway to an academic career. PhDs and research degrees are a great chance to expand your network and meet diverse people with similar interests, knowledge, and passion.
The University’s Doctoral School provides a focal point for Lincoln’s community of researchers, where ideas and experiences can be developed and shared across disciplines. It also o?ers support and training to help equip you for both academic and non-academic careers.
* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
متوقع يناير 2026
Lincoln (Main Site)
Brayford Pool,
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