This programme offers the opportunity to work alongside academic staff whose research has been internationally recognised. Researchers in the School include Distinguished Professor of Image Engineering, Professor Nigel Allinson MBE, and Professor of Intelligent Robotics and Interactive Systems, Professor Marc Hanheide. Academics staff at all levels of seniority and research students can benefit from a supportive community and environment in which to share ideas and experiences with the aim of advancing knowledge.
Research undertaken in the School includes advancements in imaging technology for the detection and treatment of diseases such as cancer, the design of mobile and social computing platforms for health and wellbeing and enhancing our understanding of how long-term relationships can be developed between humans and robots, and, also in relation to the Lincoln Institute of Agri-food Technology, many aspects of technology focused on agriculture and food production.
Students can benefit from a comprehensive programme of training designed to develop key research skills and methodologies. Access is provided to industry-standard equipment and software to aid students' investigations, including VR-capable computers with headsets (e.g. HTC Vive and Oculus Rift), specialist development environments, and engineering design and simulation platforms. A supervisory team of experienced academics is available to provide guidance on students' studies and careers, and also for publishing work in journals and presenting at conferences.
How You Study
Students on this programme usually work under the guidance of one main supervisor and one secondary supervisor throughout their studies, and will have access to a range of the Schools facilities.
Training in research methods features in the early part of the programme and students are encouraged to present and publish their findings in national and international conferences and journals.
Due to the nature of postgraduate research programmes, the majority of time is spent in independent study and research. Students will have meetings with their academic supervisor, but the frequency of these will vary depending on individual requirements, subject area, staff availability, and stage of programme.
How You Are Assessed
The PhD is usually awarded based on the quality of a student's thesis, and their ability to present and successfully defend their chosen research topic in an oral examination (viva voce). They are also expected to demonstrate how their research findings have contributed to knowledge or expanded upon existing theory or understanding.
Career Opportunities
This programme provides students with the opportunity to develop a specialism in an area of Computer Science. The study and development of research knowledge may allow students to consolidate their skills and secure positions in research development and the management of technology. Graduates may move into an academic-related roles such as postdoctoral researchers or research assistants. Graduates may also progress to roles in the computing industry.
* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
سبتمبر 2025
Lincoln (Main Site)
Brayford Pool,
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