Sport, Exercise and Health Science - SportD



ماذا سوف أتعلم؟

The Professional Doctorate in Sport, Exercise and Health Science is a specialist programme designed for experienced sport, exercise and health practitioners who would like to undertake research that is relevant and applied to their area of professional practice.


Through a combination of individually tutored modules and your own research, you develop your academic and professional knowledge and acquire a range of advanced research skills. The professional doctorate programme culminates with the submission of your doctoral thesis or portfolio on a topic that advances your area of professional knowledge or practice.


Our programmes have been developed and designed to provide students with the required knowledge and skills to work autonomously in the field of sport science and sports therapy. The programmes provide opportunities for you to develop and demonstrate both specialist academic and transferable skills such as good communication, problem solving, critical analysis and the ability to work independently to a high standard. The programmes also aim to give you the opportunity to build long-term careers within your chosen field.

في أي قسم أنا؟

School of Sport and Exercise Sciences

خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (3 أعوام )

رسوم التسجيــل
£22,700.00 (US$ 29,315) سنوياً
For students continuing on this programme fees will increase year on year by no more than RPI + 3% in each academic year of study except where regulated.

هذه رسوم ثابتة

* عرض التفاصيل على موقع المؤسسة

تاريخ البدء

متوقع ديسمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

Medway Campus

University of Kent at Medway,

The Medway Building Chatham Maritime,




دوام كامل (3 أعوام )

رسوم التسجيــل
£22,700.00 (US$ 29,315) سنوياً
For students continuing on this programme fees will increase year on year by no more than RPI + 3% in each academic year of study except where regulated.

هذه رسوم ثابتة

* عرض التفاصيل على موقع المؤسسة

تاريخ البدء

متوقع يناير 2026

مكان عقــد الدورة

Medway Campus

University of Kent at Medway,

The Medway Building Chatham Maritime,




شروط القبول

للطلاب الدوليين

A first or upper second class honours degree and/or a Master’s degree in any subject. Candidates must normally be experienced sport, exercise or health practitioners. Candidates will be required to write a brief proposal and will be invited to attend an informal interview with the programme director and potential supervisor. All applicants are considered on an individual basis and additional qualifications, professional qualifications and relevant experience may also be taken into account when considering applications. IELTS: 6.5 overall (with a minimum of 6.0 in R&W; 5.5 in S&L). TOEFL iBT: 90 overall (with a minimum of 22 in R; 21 in W; 17 in L; 20 in S).

قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.

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حول University of Kent

سيستفيد الطلاب في جامعة كينت من الأبحاث ذات المستوى العالمي وجودة التدريس المتميزة، إلى جانب والتوجيه المهني الممتاز.

  • واحدة من أفضل الجامعات العالمية في كينت بالمملكة المتحدة
  • مجتمع متنوع ومرحّب من أكثر من 100 دولة
  • أبحاث على مستوى عالمي (REF) وتدريس على أيدي خبراء
  • خدمات دعم الطلاب واسعة النطاق على مستوى جميع المواقع

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