B.A. in Romance Languages


ماذا سوف أتعلم؟

Demonstration of listening comprehension, oral, reading, and writing proficiency (students who have not received at least a “B” in FRE 305 or FRE 306, or SPA 305 or SPA 306 may be required to take a test in language skills).
Demonstration of comprehensive coverage of literature and civilization through successful completion of appropriate course work

Special Requirements:

A minimum of 30 credit-hours in French and Spanish beyond the intermediate level, at least 24 of which must be in 400 series
A minimum of 12 credit-hours above the intermediate level in each of the two languages must be taken.
FRE 495 or SPA 495 Senior Project Credits 0-3. (This satisfies a General Education Requirement).
INT 410 Introduction to the Study of Linguistics Credits: 3

في أي قسم أنا؟

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (4 أعوام )

رسوم التسجيــل
US$33,240.00 سنوياً
تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

5774 Stevens Hall, Room 100,



04469, United States

شروط القبول

للطلاب الدوليين

A graduating high school student (regardless of number of college credits taken while in high school) or a high school graduate or GED recipient who has attempted fewer than 12 college credits after graduation and is applying to a four-year bachelor’s degree program.

TOEFL (including the TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition) – minimum score of 79 (iBT) or 550 (paper-based test) .

TOEFL Essentials – minimum score of 8.5. .

IELTS (including the IELTS Indicator online test) – minimum score of 6.5. .

PTE (Pearson Test of English) – minimum score of 53. .

DET (Duolingo English Test) – minimum score of 105.

Application deadline - Fall Admission: March 1; Spring Admission: November 1

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