Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Global Conflict Studies (BSGCS) degree program at the Daytona Beach College of Arts & Sciences have the opportunity to pursue the Master of Science in Human Security & Resilience (MSHSR) in a combined degree program format. In this option, up to nine hours of graduate coursework may be taken to fulfill undergraduate elective requirements. These hours will count toward both the B.S. and M.S. degree requirements provided that the student is enrolled in the combined MSHSR option and receives a "B" or better in the course. Students must complete a minimum of 120 undergraduate/graduate course credits for their Bachelor of Science degree.
Students will be dropped from the program if their GPA falls below 3.0. The BSGCS degree will be conferred upon completion of all bachelor's degree requirements; the MSHSR degree will be conferred upon completion of all master's degree requirements.
Any three 500-level MSHSR courses can be used to satisfy the BSGCS elective requirements. A total of 141 credits, including 30 graduate level credits, is required for this option.
سبتمبر 2025
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Daytona Beach Campus,
1 Aerospace Boulevard,
32114, United States
When evaluating an applicant for admission, Embry‑Riddle takes into consideration a student's high school academic record (both courses taken and overall grade-point average), rank in class, and activities. Embry‑Riddle values individual academic achievement, initiative, talent and character above standardized testing.
English Language Requirement:
The preferred minimum TOEFL score for admissions is 213 (computer-based), 79 (IBT Internet-based) or 8.5 (Essentials). The preferred IELTS score is 6.0. The preferred Duolingo score is 105. The preferred Cambridge score is 170.
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