The Master of Arts degree requires completion of 32 points, of which at least 24 must be within the Program in Museum Studies. Students must complete five core courses. Three core courses provide an understanding of the historical and theoretical ground of current museum practice, both nationally and internationally, History and Theory of Museums, MSMS-GA 1500; a focused introduction to the creation of exhibitions and the management of collections, Museum Collections and Exhibitions, MSMS-GA 1501; and a comprehensive account of the administrative, strategic, and financial aspects of museum management, Museum Management, MSMS-GA 1502. Students also enroll in the Museum Studies Research Seminar, MSMS-GA 3991; write an M.A. thesis; and enroll in Internship, MSMS-GA 3990, a project-based, 300-hour internship in a museum or appropriate cultural institution. Students must successfully complete Internship, MSMS-GA 3990, with a grade of B or better to receive the degree.
In addition to this broad grounding, students take four electives related to their particular interests: at least two courses in museum studies, and, if the student so chooses, one or two courses within a discipline connected to the sort of museum in which the student intends to work (history, anthropology, art history, etc.). The M.A. program must be completed within five years of admission.
* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
سبتمبر 2025
Graduate School of Arts and Science
6 Washington Square North, 2nd Floor,
New York,
10003, United States
Students must receive your undergraduate degree (U.S. baccalaureate or equivalent) from an institution of recognized standing before enrollment in the Graduate School.
For the TOEFL, the Graduate School recommends that the applicant achieve a minimum TOEFL score of 100 on the internet-based test. For the IELTS, a minimum overall band score of at least 7 is recommended.
Application Deadlines
February 15: Fall admission, recommended deadline
April 1: Fall admission, final deadline
Spring applications will be considered if space remains available. Please contact the program in September before applying for spring.
قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.
"يُعد الحصول على شهادة من جامعة نيويورك دليلاً على وجود عقل مفكر وأخلاقيات عمل صارمة، ما يؤهل الخريجين لاتخاذ القرارات بشأن المستقبل."