Ulster University - QA Higher Education

بريطانيا بريطانيا

28 مشاهدات

نظرة عامة

نظرة عامة

Ulster University’s London and Birmingham branch campuses operate as a partnership between the university and QA Higher Education. Courses on offer at the branch campuses include undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in business and computing subjects. The campuses focus on ensuring graduates are highly employable and prepared to function in a dynamic business environment. Programmes at the branch campuses are taught by QA Higher Education and validated by Ulster University. Both campuses are located in the heart of their respective cities. Students at Ulster will have a dedicated work placement tutor who will help them identify opportunities to gain industry experience. Ulster University was shortlisted for the University of the Year title by the Good University Guide 2022.


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الإحصائيات والحقائق الأساسية في Ulster University - QA Higher Education

حياة الطلاب بالأرقام

التكاليف السنوية
تكاليف المعيشة


الإقامة في الحرم الجامعي


معدل رسوم الدارسة بالعام



الدراسات العليا


تقييمات وانطباعات الطلاب

لا يـوجـد أى تـقييـمات لـهذة الـجـامـعة. كـن أول من يـكتب تـقييم عن الـجـامعة.

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