Columbia College

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4 مشاهدات

نظرة عامة

نظرة عامة

Columbia College was the first established educational institute for university transfer in British Columbia, Canada. Its central focus is the development of academic success for its students, alongside a fostering of lifelong passion for learning and innovative routes to higher education.The college prides itself on engagement with the local community and its specialty in helping international students thrive and enjoy a Canadian lifestyle. Columbia College meets these objectives through a combination of academic and teaching excellence, and unrivalled support for its student body. The college is known for its highly diverse student body, with over 90 percent of its attendees being from abroad, and a learning environment of mutual respect, curiosity, and support.
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قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.

الإحصائيات والحقائق الأساسية في Columbia College

حياة الطلاب بالأرقام

التكاليف السنوية
تكاليف المعيشة


الإقامة في الحرم الجامعي


تقييمات وانطباعات الطلاب

لا يـوجـد أى تـقييـمات لـهذة الـجـامـعة. كـن أول من يـكتب تـقييم عن الـجـامعة.

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