The BEng in Aeronautical Engineering is designed to help you solve real world problems and develop new industrially-relevant solutions. The programme aims to provide you with a stimulating learning environment for understanding the role of the engineer; understanding mechatronics and related engineering sectors, whilst enhancing your skillset to deal with issues in product design engineering.
On this course you will gain extensive knowledge and understanding of the most up to date theories and hands-on work in within sustainability, aerodynamics, design engineering, mechanical systems and related wider engineering sector.
The programme will enable you to plan, execute and undertake critical analysis of results of practical and/or simulation tests within mechatronics engineering context.
Finally it will provide you with the experience to demonstrate self-direction and originality in solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional level with clear understanding of health and safety, ethics, sustainability and legal dimensions.
Assessment tasks are mainly spread across the year to make the workload manageable. Assessment methods include group works, exams and individual work including essays, presentations, case studies, professional development and practical activities depending on the nature of the course. All grades count towards your module mark. More details will be included in the student handbook and module guides.
Feedback is provided within 15 working days in line with UEL's assessment and feedback policy.
* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
سبتمبر 2025
Docklands Campus
University Way,
قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.
تعتبر جامعة إيست لندن الخيار الأول للوصول إلى وظيفة، ولها فرعين في قلب شرق لندن، وتُدرس المئات من التخصصات.