Course description
On our BA (Hons) Animation programme, you’ll experiment with the latest digital software, learn about the principles of animation, produce distinctive animated films and develop the professional awareness you need to launch your career. Working with experienced teaching staff in our newly refurbished, dedicated production studio, you will gain the knowledge and expertise you need through traditional and digital animation practice.
Our varied and exciting curriculum includes drawing, sequential image making, 2D and 3D computer animation, character development, narrative, timing, editing, sound and the historical and contemporary context of animation. Animation plays an increasingly important role in the messages that are part of our daily lives, not only on our film and television screens but also on the internet and mobile devices. The programme provides the ideal preparation for many careers in Animation both as an independent filmmaker or part of a wider creative team.
Our graduates have gone on to establish successful animation studios or to work for major TV production companies. There are wide-ranging career opportunities for animators in advertising, film, television, games design, web design, creative studios, education and the freelance world.
The course offers you the ideal preparation for careers in this ever-changing market where you can challenge the use and production of animation. Because we take a contemporary view of animation and its applications, you will showcase your work to potential employers through a variety of platforms, advertising and mobile devices.
* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
سبتمبر 2025
Main Site
Kedleston Road,
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