Archaeology is the study of how people in the past interacted with their world, through a detailed study of their objects, sites, monuments and landscapes.
You will have the opportunity to gain practical fieldwork skills in the UK and also abroad. Recent students have worked in the Baltic states, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy and Portugal.
Employers, from banking and law to business and tourism, value the transferable skills that an archaeology degree offers such as teamworking, practical problem solving and critical analysis.
Many graduates are employed in vocational archaeological and heritage roles working for government agencies, the charitable sector and other heritage organisations in Scotland and beyond, including the National Trust, Historic Environment Scotland, Northlight Heritage, British Museum, National Museums of Scotland and Glasgow Life, as well as various companies offering commercial archaeological services in the UK and abroad.
سبتمبر 2025
Gilmorehill (Main) Campus
University Of Glasgow,
University Avenue,
Glasgow, City Of,
G12 8QQ, SCOTLAND, Scotland
قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.
تشتهر جلاسكو بكونها الجامعة التي تخرج منها أشخاصاً قدموا اكتشافات غيرت العالم لأكثر من 500 عام، حيث يصبح طلابها رواداً عالميين ومبتكرين.