
Chemical Engineering with Chemistry BEng (Hons)


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Chemical engineering is a vital branch of engineering concerned with the analysis and design of chemical processes for manufacturing purposes. Studying this alongside chemistry could introduce you to potentially exciting career opportunities, which allow you to make an impact in a variety of fields, including pharmaceuticals and healthcare, process design and construction, and food science. **Why Study Chemical Engineering with Chemistry BEng(Hons) at University of Huddersfield?** This course will equip you with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of chemical engineering as well as chemistry, with an emphasis on developing skills such as problem-solving, logical reasoning, and imaginative thinking. You’ll gain relevant real-world experience throughout this course. You’ll be taught by leading academics through lectures, seminars, and sessions, which will be supplemented by modern industry instruments in our specialist chemical sciences and chemical engineering labs, which include pilot-scale rigs. Following your first two years in the course, you’ll put your knowledge and skills to the test in an optional supervised work placement. During this placement year, you’ll: • Experience working in a real-world environment within the industry, in the UK or internationally. • Explore employment opportunities within organisations related to your studies and chosen pathway. • Network with potential employers and construct work experience profiles to prepare for a future chemical engineering or chemistry career. This course will prepare you for a variety of potentially exciting careers in a range of fields in the industry, as well as for future study. You could work in chemical manufacturing, environmental consultancy, nuclear engineering or oil and gas. **Professional Bodies** During your studies you can become a student member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, and will be automatically transferred to an Associate Member (AMIChemE) on graduation. The course is accredited by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and partially meets the academic requirements for becoming a Chartered Chemical Engineer following suitable industrial experience. **Why Huddersfield?** Huddersfield’s vibrant and friendly campus is a great place from which to study, while the town itself offers lots to see and do, with good transport links in and around the area.

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Department of Chemical Sciences (SCHEMSCI)

خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (3 أعوام )

رسوم التسجيــل
£17,600.00 (US$ 22,729) سنوياً
£17600 Per year

هذه رسوم ثابتة

* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة

تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

Main Site





دوام كامل (4 أعوام )

رسوم التسجيــل
£17,600.00 (US$ 22,729) سنوياً
£17600 Per year

هذه رسوم ثابتة

* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة

تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

Main Site





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University of Huddersfield تقدم المقررات التمهيدية التالية لهذا التخصص
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حول University of Huddersfield

تعد جامعة هدرسفيلد جامعة حديثة حائزة على جوائز مزودة بأحدث المرافق والخدمات في مدينة متعددة الثقافات تنعم بالازدهار.

  • معدل توظيف الخريجين يصل لأكثر من 95%.
  • يحظى أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالمراكز الثلاثة الأولى في إنجلترا.
  • حائزة على العديد من الجوائز ومزودة بأحدث المرافق والخدمات.
  • أفضل مدينة للطلاب في انجلترا من حيث معقولية التكاليف.

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