Our Fashion Studies Top-Up allows students with a diploma in a fashion subject, or other relevant areas to study for a BA (Hons) in Fashion Studies. It provides skills in fashion business, opportunities to create a fashion portfolio and the option of either taking a creative or business approach to your final major project.
Fashion at University of East London has innovation and enterprise at its heart. Together with industry partners, we seek to improve upon and challenge the current fashion offering with bold, influential students who will be the design leaders of tomorrow. With a shortage of skills across many diverse avenues within fashion, course will fill the gap in these new risen markets, preparing prospective students towards a more viable, and creative future.
Our focus will be on the implementation of career-focused skills, industry knowledge, technical and creative skills in making and engineering and, notwithstanding, the guided learning through more sustainable and ethical design for today's fashion climate. Emphasis on integrating digital innovation and promotion will be a continuous addition in the teaching across most if not all modules.
Our BA Fashion Studies degree is developed in response to research by the British Fashion Council (2016) and the National Careers Service (2016) that the fashion industry in an increasingly global economy needs more graduates with relevant entrepreneurial and transferable skills. The provision also recognises the skills needed by overseas students seeking career progression in the international fashion sector.
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* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
سبتمبر 2025
Docklands Campus
University Way,
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