Our four-year integrated PhD Applied Linguistics follows the MA Applied Linguistics programme for year 1 before beginning the PhD study programme within the department in year 2. By opting for our four-year Integrated course, you will benefit from guidance and training to develop the research mind set needed for your PhD studies.
We offer a three-year supervised research route for students with a solid knowledge of existing research in the field and a good understanding of research methods.
On our three-year supervised research route, if you already have a solid knowledge of existing research in your field and a good understanding of research methods, plus a suitable research proposal, you immediately begin your independent research, under the guidance of your supervisor.
Within the Department of Language and Linguistics, throughout your research studies, your training needs will be regularly assessed. Every six months your progress is formally checked by a supervisory panel consisting of your supervisor, an adviser, and a chairperson. At least once a year this meeting takes place face to face to discuss how you are getting on. You report on your progress in writing by completing a form twice a year.
Your thesis has a maximum length of 80,000 words.
Your future
Given the breadth of our provision within the Department of Language and Linguistics, career prospects for our graduates vary depending on the study undertaken. Often the career destination of our PhD students is university lecturing or research. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the areas of linguistics we cover, this could be in departments of English, linguistics, education, sociology, or cognitive science.
* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
سبتمبر 2025
Colchester Campus
University of Essex,
Wivenhoe Park,
قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.
يتعلم الطلاب داخل جامعة إسكس التفكير بشكل مختلف، والبحث عن سبل جديدة لأداء المهام، وتبني أساليب جديدة في حل المشكلات.