Are you interested in how different people around the world do things differently? Have you ever questioned the taken for granted assumptions about what is “normal” behaviour in your culture, your workplace, or in powerful institutions? Have you got an interest in culture, behaviour, cultural heritage, or social justice? If so, then anthropology is the subject for you.
Social anthropology is the study of people, cultures and societies around the world. It takes cultures on their own terms, and values the importance of culture to helping us understand the world we live in. Social Anthropology gives us the tools that we need to understand human cultural and social difference, and to really start to make sense of how people, groups and organisations think about the world.
Social anthropology at SOAS is an introduction to the discipline of anthropology and its history, its theories, and methods. You do not need to have studied anthropology before to get the most out of this programme. It is the perfect introduction to the anthropological way of seeing the world and global problems or would be the perfect way to convert into the discipline if you wish to pursue a research degree later.
If you have studied anthropology before, a postgraduate degree at SOAS will allow you to develop your specialisms and research interests even further, including the possibility of learning a new language and delving deeper into a topic through a self-designed research project on our Dissertation module.
Why study MA Social Anthropology at SOAS?
Students from SOAS’ Department of Anthropology and Sociology develop an in-depth understanding of the world. Employers value our graduates’ cultural awareness and global perspective, as well as their skills in analysis, data interpretation and problem-solving.
* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة
سبتمبر 2025
SOAS, University of London
Thornhaugh Street,
Russell Square,
Greater London,
قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.
يشغل خريجو كلية الدراسات الشرقية والإفريقية مجموعة ديناميكية من الوظائف التي تقدم مساهمة كبيرة في المجتمع العالمي.