اراء الطلّاب

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)


3447 مشاهدات

تصنيف التايمز: 601

الخبرة العامة

عملية القبول

التمويل والمنح

الخبرة الدراسية

الخبرة المعيشية

التوقعات الوظيفية

100% من الطلّاب نصحوا بالتسجيل لدى Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

هل أنت طالب حالى أو خرّيج؟

إذا كنت تدرس الآن أو إذا أنهيت دراساتك قم بمساعدة طلاب المستقبل من خلال مشاركة خبراتك.
اكتب تقييم

آراء الطلاب

تصنيف حسب



سنة التخرج: 2013

علوم الحاسب الآلي


الخبرة العامة

1 مارس 2016 كُتب فى

من افضل الجامعات الماليزية , لكن التكلفة للدراسة عالية

UPM is one of the biggest universities in Malaysia in term of size, facilities, and age! the university is very beautiful and latterly the size is huge of the campus, but they have good bus services that cover the movement inside and outside the university, the university ranking is good and its one of the research university in Malaysia, its near to Kuala Lumpur and have a lot of international student, so you will not have problem to find food or any type of services and entertainment inside r near the campus. the only disadvantage is cost of the fees and the living cost outside  the university is little high if you compare it with the other universities in Malaysia, but still affordable for international who look for high ranking university with good facilities especially for them.

UPM is one of the biggest universities in Malaysia in term of size, facilities, and age! the university is very beautiful and latterly the size is huge of the campus, but they have good bus services that cover the movement inside and outside the university, the university ranking is good and its one of the research university in Malaysia, its near to Kuala Lumpur and have a lot of international student, so you will not have problem to find food or any type of services and entertainment inside r near the campus. the only disadvantage is cost of the fees and the living cost outside the university is little high if you compare it with the other universities in Malaysia, but still affordable for international who look for high ranking university with good facilities especially for them.

عملية القبول
التمويل والمنح
الخبرة الدراسية
الخبرة المعيشية
التوقعات الوظيفية

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