University of Brighton International College - Kaplan UK

بريطانيا بريطانيا

16 مشاهدات

نظرة عامة

نظرة عامة

The University of Brighton International College (UBIC) offers international students pathway programmes in collaboration with the University of Brighton, through Kaplan Pathways. Students have several options to choose from at the University of Brighton International College, to progress to an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. Students at UBIC will have access to the world-class facilities at the University of Brighton. There is also the option to expand the pathway course to include an online internship and gain work experience before starting a degree. This integrated placement will be part of an additional, final term on the course, and importantly, will help students develop soft skills and enhance their employability. Students at UBIC can also access ‘Pathways Preview’ an exciting resource that allows them to explore Kaplan’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and other development resources.


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الإحصائيات والحقائق الأساسية في University of Brighton International College - Kaplan UK

حياة الطلاب بالأرقام

التكاليف السنوية
تكاليف المعيشة


الإقامة في الحرم الجامعي


معدل رسوم الدارسة بالعام



الدراسات العليا


تقييمات وانطباعات الطلاب

لا يـوجـد أى تـقييـمات لـهذة الـجـامـعة. كـن أول من يـكتب تـقييم عن الـجـامعة.

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