Florida International University - Shorelight

أمريكا أمريكا

84 مشاهدات

نظرة عامة

نظرة عامة

Florida International University (FIU) is among the largest public research universities in the USA. FIU is far ahead of most South Florida institutions in its global engagement and finding solutions to challenging problems of our time. FIU prioritizes research as a major component of its stated mission. Shorelight has partnered with FIU to create FIU Global First Year, which will build upon FIU’s current international student programs and provide support to help international students successfully navigate the academic rigors of an FIU degree and assist them in adjusting to the cultural and social differences of an American university education. FIU is recognized as a Carnegie- engaged university. FIU’s colleges and schools offer students more than 180 bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs in a whole range of fields such as engineering, architecture, international relations, medicine, and law.


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الإحصائيات والحقائق الأساسية في Florida International University - Shorelight

حياة الطلاب بالأرقام

التكاليف السنوية
تكاليف المعيشة


معدل الإيجار الخاص
المصدر College Board


معدل رسوم الدارسة بالعام



تقييمات وانطباعات الطلاب

لا يـوجـد أى تـقييـمات لـهذة الـجـامـعة. كـن أول من يـكتب تـقييم عن الـجـامعة.

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