Illinois State University - INTO USA

أمريكا أمريكا

46 مشاهدات

نظرة عامة

نظرة عامة

Each year, INTO helps thousands of international students from across the globe realize their dream of studying in the UK, US, and Australia. INTO works with universities to design specialist programs specifically for international students. INTO also offers exceptional support services to students before, during and after their studies, to make for a great overseas study experience. Illinois State University offers students a wide range of academic programs and competitive career opportunities to help them thrive at the university and beyond. There are also ample research opportunities and the chance for students to join one of the 400-plus student organizations and network at events attended by Fortune 500 companies. Acknowledged as one of the best small college towns in the USA, Bloomington-Normal, with its bike-friendly roads and picturesque countryside, offers students a range of opportunities for leisure and recreation.


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الإحصائيات والحقائق الأساسية في Illinois State University - INTO USA

حياة الطلاب بالأرقام

التكاليف السنوية
تكاليف المعيشة
المصدر College Board


معدل الإيجار الخاص
المصدر College Board


تقييمات وانطباعات الطلاب

لا يـوجـد أى تـقييـمات لـهذة الـجـامـعة. كـن أول من يـكتب تـقييم عن الـجـامعة.

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