Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases & Antimicrobial Resistance MSc



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There are many infectious diseases of humans and animals that impact not just health and welfare, but also potentially food production systems. These infectious diseases can be extremely varied and impact populations in high, middle and lower-income countries. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is arguably one of the world’s greatest health challenges. AMR threatens our ability to control many prevalent and emerging infectious diseases across the world. Epidemiology is a key approach to understand and tackle the spread of infectious diseases and AMR. This programme will equip students with a broad skill set in the epidemiology of infectious diseases and AMR by providing training in epidemiological investigations, quantitative methods, laboratory-based approaches and bioinformatic tools. Students will also consider the global, social and policy contexts relevant in this field.


Accredited by the Royal Society of Biology for the purpose of meeting, in part, the academic and experience requirement for the Membership and Chartered Biologist (CBiol).

A unique programme combining training in the epidemiology of infectious diseases and AMR that will provide students with multi-disciplinary skills needed to address these global public and veterinary health challenges from epidemiological, biomedical, social and policy perspectives.

Royal Society of Biology Accreditation logoClose interdisciplinary efforts of the School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine are further evidenced by active research and collaborations with national and international partners in the fields of epidemiology of infectious diseases and AMR. Laboratory infrastructure is also available through the OHRBID laboratory (“One Health Research in Bacterial Infectious Diseases”), providing hands-on experience and training in the identification of genetic and genomic mechanisms underlying AMR.

Equips students with an exceptionally broad knowledge base and a suite of skills in infectious disease epidemiology and AMR – epidemiological and ecological modelling, statistical analyses, epidemiological study design, mitigation strategies, genetic aspects of AMR, genomic data analysis, and societal and policy-relevant issues.

Comprised of leading experts in the field of epidemiology of infectious diseases, including molecular and field epidemiologists, as well as statisticians, mathematical modellers and microbiologists, who will provide One Health perspectives relevant to high- as well as middle-and low-income countries.


Students will be equipped to progress academically to PhD level or to pursue a career outside academia, for example in:

Devolved or international governments


National and international health boards, such as National Health Service, National Institutes for Health, Public Health Scotland, UK Health Security Agency and similar organisations

Policy and regulatory bodies, such as the Food and Agricultural Organization, Veterinary Medicines Directorate, World Health Organization, World Organisation for Animal Health

This MSc is also suitable for broadening the range of knowledge of health-related professionals such as:

Biomedical scientists

Clinical practitioners in human and veterinary medicine





Quantitative scientists such as mathematicians or statisticians

في أي قسم أنا؟

College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences

خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (12 أشهُر )

رسوم التسجيــل
£28,260.00 (US$ 36,496) سنوياً
Additional fees applicable.

هذه رسوم ثابتة

* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة

الموعد النهائي للتسجيل

متوقع July 2025

تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

University of Glasgow

The Fraser Building,

65 Hillhead Street,


Glasgow, City Of,

G12 8QQ, SCOTLAND, Scotland

شروط القبول

للطلاب الدوليين

At least a 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent in a relevant subject. Professional experience and 2:2 applicants with a strong subject specific expertise may be considered. Relevant subjects include, but are not limited to, biology, biomedical science, ecology, mathematics, medical science, microbiology, nursing, pharmacology, public health, statistics, veterinary bioscience, veterinary medicine and zoology. IELTS: 6.5 with no subtests under 6.0 and TOEFL (ibt, my best or athome): 79; with Reading 13; Listening 12; Speaking 18; Writing 21.

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  • Kaplan International College (KIC) London - Kaplan UK
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