This unique and intellectually rigorous Masters programme gives you the opportunity to develop the study of literature from a variety of perspectives through a number of flexible pathways.
Your chosen pathway through this programme will ground and further your knowledge in a particular area of literary studies (see below), but you will also have the opportunity to study other areas related to other pathways – bringing different literatures and approaches into exciting, original and productive dialogues with each other.
The pathways you can take are:
These enable you to combine theoretical angles with the close reading of a wide range of texts, from different media (literary, filmic, visual), periods, and cultural, geographic and linguistic backgrounds – though all texts will be studied in English, in English translation, or with English subtitles.
You'll develop transferable skills, including:
Graduates of this programme have gone on to pursue careers in:
سبتمبر 2025
Goldsmiths, University of London
New Cross,
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