ماذا سوف أتعلم؟

The MA Music programme provides theoretical and practical grounding in the discipline of ethnomusicology, as well as the opportunity to develop performance and ethnographic skills.

On this programme students gain a practical understanding of how music can work in the sphere of social development and an in-depth study of global musical styles. You will study with a world-leading group of ethnomusicologists who are all experts in the musical traditions of Africa and Asia. You will be part of a thriving culture of performance, research and active engagement with music around the globe.

This MA Music programme will suit those looking for a springboard into further research or employment in a range of music-related fields including journalism, industry, NGOs and education, and often serves as a conversion route for those trained predominantly in western music traditions.

Why study Music at SOAS?

  • SOAS is ranked 15th in the UK for Arts and Humanities (QS World University Rankings 2023)
  • We are ranked 6th in the UK for employability (QS World University Rankings 2023)
  • The Department of Music has been ranked best in the UK for research impact and 5th overall in the Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021)
  • We sustain a thriving culture of musical performance from traditional ensembles to contemporary collaborations
  • We run an acclaimed public concert series that attracts London-wide audiences and performers from across the globe.

Students in the School of Arts develop a ??critical and theoretically informed approach to global arts and culture. In addition to an intercultural awareness and practical expertise, graduates gain a wide portfolio of transferable skills which are especially sought after in the creative and cultural industries.

في أي قسم أنا؟

Department of Music, School of Arts

خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (1 عام )

رسوم التسجيــل
£25,320.00 (US$ 32,699) سنوياً
Fees go up each year, therefore, your tuition fee in your second & subsequent years of study will be higher. Our continuing students, on the same degree programme, are protected from annual increases higher than 5%.

هذه رسوم ثابتة

* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة

تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

SOAS, University of London

Thornhaugh Street,

Russell Square,


Greater London,


شروط القبول

للطلاب الدوليين

Applicants with bachelor’s degree equivalent to 2:ii: CGPA: 55-60% or 5.5/10 - 6.0/10 from a good university will be considered for entry. Students whose first language is not English need to have IELTS 6.5 overall with 6.5 in all subscores. TOEFL IBT - 95 overall with 23 in writing, 20 in other subscores.

قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.

أضف إلى المفضلة

حول SOAS University of London

يشغل خريجو كلية الدراسات الشرقية والإفريقية مجموعة ديناميكية من الوظائف التي تقدم مساهمة كبيرة في المجتمع العالمي.

  • تقدم لندن واحدة من أفضل تجارب الطلاب على مستوى العالم
  • 56% من الطلاب في كلية الدراسات الشرقية والإفريقية طلاب دوليون
  • من أفضل نِسَب أعضاء هيئة التدريس إلى الطلاب في المملكة المتحدة
  • توفر منحاً دراسية لطلاب البكالوريوس والدراسات العليا.

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