MA by Research in Politics



ماذا سوف أتعلم؟


As one of the top-ten departments in the UK, Politics at Exeter provides an ideal place to undertake a MPhil/PhD in Politics and International Relations,

  • Security, Conflict and Human Rights,
  • or
  • Strategy and Security
  • .

    There are opportunities at both the Streatham Campus in Exeter and at the Penryn Campus near Falmouth.

    The MA by Research in Politics has been developed to allow you to undertake a research project in an area that interests you, within a shorter timeframe than the MPhil or PhD.


  • seminar series
  • ?and highly successful annual postgraduate conference brings together researchers from across all humanities and social sciences disciplines

    With over thirty members of faculty engaged in world-leading research and more than ninety research students currently enrolled, we offer a challenging but friendly and supportive environment in which to pursue your own research interests.

    Research overview

    Our research is structured around University and Department research centres which focus on research themes and provide additional institutional structures for facilitating research.

  • Centre for Elections, Media & Participation
  • Centre for European Studies
  • Centre of Advanced International Studies
  • Centre for Political Thought
  • Public Policy Research (PPGG)
  • Strategy and Security Institute (SSI)
  • Exeter Q-Step Centre
  • Centre for Middle East Politics (C-MEP)
  • The department's strong research culture is reflected in our

  • regular seminars and workshops
  • and visits from internationally renowned scholars

    في أي قسم أنا؟

    Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy and Anthropology

    خيارات الدراسة

    دوام كامل (1 عام )

    رسوم التسجيــل
    £22,600.00 (US$ 29,186) سنوياً
    هذه رسوم ثابتة

    * السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة

    تاريخ البدء

    متوقع يناير 2026

    مكان عقــد الدورة

    University of Exeter - Penryn Campus, Cornwall

    Penryn Campus,




    دوام كامل (1 عام )

    رسوم التسجيــل
    Tuition fees per year 2023/24: £20,500 full-time; Tuition Fees per year 2024/25: £22,600 full-time. It can be taken as a guide for Part-time students.

    * السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة

    تاريخ البدء

    متوقع يناير 2026

    مكان عقــد الدورة

    Streatham Campus 1

    Northcote House,

    Queen's Drive,




    شروط القبول

    للطلاب الدوليين

    You should have a good first degree either in Politics or another subject that could prepare you for a research project within the Department. IELTS (Academic): Overall score 7.0 with a minimum score of 6.5 in the writing component and all other sections no less than 6.0. TOEFL IBT: Overall score 100 with minimum scores of 25 for writing, 21 for listening, 22 for reading and 23 for speaking.

    قد يكون هناك متطلبات أيلتس مختلفة بناء على التخصص المحدد.

    أضف إلى المفضلة

    حول University of Exeter

    يستفيد الطلاب في جامعة إكستر من مجموعة من أفضل الأكاديميين، ويستمتعون بالحياة الساحلية الرائعة بفضل موقع الجامعة التي تنتمي لمجموعة راسل المرموقة.

    • من أفضل 15 جامعة بالمملكة المتحدة (Complete University Guide)
    • تقدم منحاً دراسية وغيرها من المنح
    • تقع بالقرب من شواطئ ومناظر ساحلية رائعة
    • يوجد بها أكثر من 400 نادي وجمعية للطلاب

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