Marketing BSc (Hons)


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Become an effective communicator and creative problem-solver, equipped with the skills and commercial insight you need for a career in marketing and wider managerial roles.You will learn to identify where competitive advantages lie, and develop the tools you need to respond to market opportunities. We’ll give you practically focused learning experiences and industry insight, developing you into a well-rounded marketing professional.You will study areas such as:- consumer psychology and behaviour- the interface of business with society and culture- business economics- strategic management- market researchThe programme reflects the latest developments in this fast-moving field - you will learn from researchers at the cutting edge of the subject, as well as experienced marketing professionals.You’ll also gain an in-depth understanding of how marketing fits into the broader context of business and management.**Professional accreditation**We are proud to be in an elite group of business schools to hold the triple accreditations of Equis, AMBA and AACSB, often referred to as the "Triple Crown".This programme is approved by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), offering students the opportunity to gain professional qualifications through the CIM Graduate Gateway.CIM is the leading professional body for marketers worldwide and exists to develop the marketing profession, maintain professional standards and improve the skills of marketing practitioners. CIM qualifications are highly sought after by employers, and their content is reflected in our own degrees which ensures we are equipping students with the best opportunities for a successful marketing career.This accreditation will also help students to interact and participate in various engagement activities with senior marketing professionals, opening future career avenues globally.

في أي قسم أنا؟

School of Management

خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (3 أعوام )

رسوم التسجيــل
£19,560.00 (US$ 25,260) سنوياً
£19560 Per year

هذه رسوم مؤقتة قيد القبول

* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة

تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

Main Site

Richmond Road,



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حول University of Bradford

ادرس برامج تركز على التأهيل للوظائف لتستفيد من أنماط تدريس وأبحاث تسخّر التكنولوجيا في خدمة المجتمعات.

  • 120 مليون جنيه استترليتي لتطوير الحرم الجامعي
  • منح أكاديمية جديدة للطلاب الأجانب
  • فرص مع شركاء الصناعة مثل BBC
  • أكثر من 100 جمعية ونادي رياضي للانضمام لها

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