MSc Advanced Professional Practice (Health and Social Care Professions)


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About the course

Are you a health or social care professional looking to develop your key advanced practitioner knowledge and skills? You'll develop your current knowledge and expertise, linking it to contemporary literature, theory and research and apply it to your area of practice. Our range of programme optional modules, shared across a large range of named pathway awards, give you the flexibility and choice to tailor your learning to your workplace.

Key features

- Train to become an evidence-based practitioner, equipped to manage and lead in busy and constantly changing settings. Take the opportunity to study in a setting with exciting core and optional modules.*
- Study alongside an interprofessional range of health and social care professionals from a variety of backgrounds, for example allied health professionals, nursing, medical and social care.
- Choose from optional modules in a range of specialist areas such as management of long-term conditions (service delivery), practice education and evaluating outcomes. Specialist modules such as injection therapy can be taken as individual CPD options. Further options are also available from our named pathways.
- Complete the programme in a year, with a one year full-time study option. Alternatively, balance work and caring commitments by studying part time over two years and up to a maximum of five years. The full-time route is suitable for international students, who will be supported to choose optional modules with non-clinical assignments.
- Make the most of our approach to blended learning, which combines short study blocks and distance learning technologies with face-to-face teaching, enhancing the learning process by allowing time for reflection. Study comprises a mixture of lectures, practicals, seminars and tutorials.
- A range of assessments are used across our modules, designed to link your knowledge and skills to your area of practice. This will also enable you to develop advanced practitioner skills, including evidence-based case studies, portfolios and service delivery proposals as well as written and oral work.
- Learn from research active teaching staff, with national and international reputations in their specialist area. You’ll be encouraged to join the faculty’s research groups, nested under the Institute of Health and Care Research, and will work with our experienced staff on your own research project.
- Choose from three award pathways with full and part-time options: postgraduate certificate (PgCert), 60 credits; postgraduate diploma (PgDip), 120 credits; and masters (MSc), 180 credits.
*As this programme is designed for qualified practitioners there is no requirement of a clinical placement component. Neither the programme nor any of its pathways lead to eligibility to apply for registration with a regulatory body.

في أي قسم أنا؟

School of Health Professions

خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (1 عام )

رسوم التسجيــل
£19,550.00 (US$ 25,247) سنوياً
هذه رسوم ثابتة

* السعر الظاهر هو سعر توضيحي، يرجى تواصل مع الجامعة

تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

Plymouth University

Drake Circus,



شروط القبول

للطلاب الدوليين

You’ll normally have a first degree (BSc (Hons) at 2:2 or above or European first cycle equivalent). You may be a health or social care professional with a first degree or have related academic degrees. If you do not have a degree but have appropriate experience related to the programme or to any of the chosen pathways you may be eligible to apply. Students need to have an IELTS score of 6.5 average with a minimum of 5.5 in each category. The TOEFL Score would be 90 and Component scores of listening 17, reading 18, speaking 20, writing 18.

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حول University of Plymouth

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  • تصنيف ذهبي بآخر تصنيفات Teaching Excellence Framework (2023)

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