A course with diverse modules, focusing on the normal and abnormal changes that occur in the human brain from childhood through to adulthood through to old age.
Why study MSc Clinical & Developmental Neuropsychology at BU?
Placement opportunities
We have strong collaborations with local placement providers and clinical partners giving you the opportunity to enhance your employability post graduation.
This course emphasises core practical skills, which will give you extra marketability in a competitive professional arena, and provide you with a route into a successful and rewarding career.
Please see our website for the application deadlines. You should apply as early as possible to be considered for your course of choice. If you require a student visa, apply for the visa as soon as you have an unconditional offer and receive your CAS. There may be delays in visa processing in your country and you need to be in Bournemouth ready to study for the start of term.
متوقع يناير 2026
Talbot Campus
Talbot Campus,
Fern Barrow,
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