Politics BA (Hons)


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Who holds power and why? Is globalisation positive? When is war just? Politics is made for people who love to tackle the big topics. In this degree, you’ll study political systems and learn how to write, research and reason with incredible clarity.Politics has been taught at Leicester since the 1940s and we have always been at the cutting edge of British political science – we aim to fire your intellectual curiosity about the politics of the world. As well as examining the workings of the political system in the UK and other states, you will explore some of the most important and interesting issues in politics.Our lecturers produce internationally renowned, cutting-edge research, and are keen to share their knowledge. You will also learn from guest speakers, including MPs and members of US Congress, and enjoy the option to study politics from different perspectives by spending a year studying abroad.During your time with us, we will encourage you to focus your studies on your own areas of interest. All our degrees offer a wide range of exciting module choices – and as our lecturers have such diverse interests, you will receive enthusiastic support and guidance for whichever area you choose.Employability is embedded into our degrees and we have designed modules that will ensure you are well equipped to secure graduate roles or places on postgraduate courses. The popularity of Politics at degree level also reflects the value of the transferable skills students gain. The ability to analyse complex issues and reach reasoned conclusions, to present coherent arguments in written and oral form, to engage in independent research, and work effectively as a member of a team are skills highly valued by employers. Job prospects are excellent, with 98% of our Politics and International Relations students in employment or further study, six months after graduating.

في أي قسم أنا؟

School of History, Politics and International Relations

خيارات الدراسة

دوام كامل (3 - 4 YEARS)

رسوم التسجيــل
المعلومات غير متوفرة

تحقق من المؤسسة

تاريخ البدء

سبتمبر 2025

مكان عقــد الدورة

Main Site

University Road,




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حول University of Leicester

تضم جامعة ليستر حالياً أكثر من 4 آلاف طالب دولي، ما يجعلها مكاناً رائعاً متعدد الثقافات للدراسة.

  • جامعة بحثية رائدة في المملكة المتحدة
  • المركز 37 بإنجلترا و170 بالعالم، THE World University Rankings
  • مؤسسة تقدمية ومميزة وقائمة على البحث
  • أكثر من 300 برنامج ودورات دراسات

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